Posts tagged Sugar & Summer
Are Fruit Sugars Bad for You?

Are fruit sugars bad for you? You’ve probably seen a whole bunch of conflicting posts on social media and beyond about SUGAR and its effects (or lack there of). You’ve probably also seen some people saying that even fruit sugars are bad, and certain diets banning fruit for fear of calories, sugar, high carbohydrate contents, and more. With all of this conflicting info, it almost feels like eating strawberries and a banana for breakfast is the same as eating cake for breakfast! BUT, don’t worry, I got ya, and I'm ready to shed some light on this confusing subject!

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Is Frozen Yogurt Healthier Than Ice Cream? Well, Not Really.

Swirl with caution! There’s a long held belief that frozen yogurt is better for you than ice cream, and why wouldn’t there be? After all, whenever you head into a fro-yo shop you’re bombarded with signs saying ‘sugar-free’, ‘low fat’, and ‘loaded with probiotics for gut health’. But are these claims actually true, and is frozen yogurt healthier than ice cream? In this post I’ll get into the details surrounding the ice-cream vs froyo debate (no, frozen yogurt is not always low-sugar or sugar-free) and the dangers of frozen yogurt to your health.

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You Need to Avoid These 7 High Sugar 'Healthy' Summer Foods

Summer is a time for fun, but with the warm nights and bbq parties comes the time-old diet conundrum: what should you eat at a party that won’t ruin your diet? Maybe you choose the marinated chicken instead of the ribs, salad instead of macaroni, and a fruit pop instead of berry pie. These are all light, healthy Summer foods right? The problem is that the food on your plate might not be as low in sugar and calories as you previously thought! Yep, those healthy summer foods could be sugar bombs! In today’s post, find out why and what you can do about it (free recipe guide anyone?)!

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