Posts tagged Skincare
How Sugar Is Ruining Your Skin + How To Stop It

Your sugar habit could be trashing your skin. Yep, it turns out sweets and sugary foods can cause way more skin (and total body) damage than sugar pimples. Learn what makes sugar bad for skin, whether or not you need to stop eating sugar, and how you can protect and reverse sugar damage on your skin.

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What Is Don't Fry Day and How to Participate

Summer is officially on the way, and with the blue skies, barbecues, and long beach days, comes an increased risk of overexposure from the sun - hence, spreading awareness about sun safety becomes a must - and Don’t Fry Day is a national day dedicated to doing just that. It occurs each year on the Friday before Memorial Day, and offers everyone the chance to learn more about arming themselves and their loved ones with sun safety tips & sunblock practices for protecting their skin. Learn more about it here, and find out the best organic sunblock for you and the environment.

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