Isabelle McKenzie

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A Quick Guide to Smart Snacking


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Snacking has long been a source of contention between health enthusiasts when it comes to balanced eating. Some support it, some disapprove - but before condemning snacking as forbidden behavior, let us put on our detective hats and investigate its real potential impact in our daily life and food habits. Is snacking really the source of all our craving troubles?

The Origin Story: History of Snacks

Let's jump into our culinary time machine and travel back to early human civilization where snacking was often spontaneous. Due to an uncertain source of food, our ancient ancestors often snacked on whatever they could find: fruits, nuts or even leftover mammoth steak (T-Rex tacos probably did not qualify!). As civilizations expanded and snacking patterns changed accordingly. Ancient Egyptians enjoyed honey-coated nuts, Romans enjoyed baked treats, while in the Middle Ages cheese and bread became snack of choice. Fast forward to the Industrial Revolution and modern snacking emerged via mass production and advertising - becoming as intertwined with our Western culture as watching cat videos online!

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Snacking: What Happens When We Snack? 

Snacking is more than a mindless activity: it is actually an intricate science symphony performed by your entire body! Every time you eat a sugary treat like Pillsbury soft baked cookies or a healthy nutritious choice like an apple, a series of events take place within your body - regardless of the health perks from your food pick. First comes saliva breaking down food particles; next, your stomach takes over to break it all down further into a soupy substance that leaves your digestive system with a full stomach. Your small intestine plays an integral part in this process by absorbing nutrients and transporting them throughout your body, with your brain serving as the overseer - this releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine when snacking. So the next time you snack between meals, remember that it could just be your brain craving those feel good chemicals.

Good and Bad Snacks: Making the Right Selections

Not all snacks are created equal - even within the realm of guilty indulgences. There's an incredible variety of snack choices that range from those considered not-so-good for you (hello triple chocolate fudge brownie!), to healthier alternatives like kale chips. But how do we make wise food decisions? Balance is key in making informed choices; protein-rich snacks such as nuts or Greek yogurt may help keep you feeling full for longer, while fruits offer natural sweeteners to curb sugar cravings. Refined sugar and sodium-laden snacks might provide a quick energy boost, but they often come with an energy crash afterwards, leaving you feeling lethargic. Don't restrict yourself to only choosing broccoli-centric snacks: snack intelligently to enjoy all its rewards!

Snacking: A Fresh Perspective 

Smart snacking can help regulate your metabolism, manage your energy levels and even help manage weight by preventing overeating during meals. But with great snacking power comes great responsibility! Be a snack-wise crusader by paying close attention not just to what, but when and how much of it you consume. Your body is not an arena for snacking but an ever-evolving ecosystem which needs balance and variety in its diet - don't just snack - snack with purpose, wisdom and joy; remembering that snacking is more than just an afterthought in nutrition stories but a chance for change!

Conclusion: The Snack Verdict

What's our verdict on snacking? When done correctly, snacking can provide essential nourishment for body and soul alike. Picking the right snacks, avoiding snacking as a pastime, and finding the right balance with your body’s needs can help you stay fueled throughout the day!


Let me know in the comments or on Instagram @itsisabellem using #SugarWithIsabelle!

That’s it from us, 👋


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