7 Quotes That Will Inspire You - No Matter the Goal

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You With Any Goal - Isabelle McKenzie.jpg

Need Motivation? Here Are 7 Quotes to Get You Inspired

In a motivational rut? Well, sometimes you just need a sprinkle of inspiration and a few kind and encouraging words to get you back on track! In this post, I share a little story about my motivational struggle with weight loss and work - and how I got past it - as well as 7 quotes that will inspire you with any goal - to help you power through the day with peace, contentment, efficiency, and joy!

In a motivational rut? Well, sometimes you just need a sprinkle of inspiration and a few kind and encouraging words to get you back on track! In this post, I share a little story about my motivational struggle with weight loss and work - and how I got past it - as well as 7 quotes that will inspire you with any goal - to help you power through the day with peace, contentment, efficiency, and joy!

Today I woke up tired and completely uninspired.

I have a really busy study workload, and I’m also working on a new course (more info on that soon), and I just wasn’t feeling any motivational vibes.

Usually when this happens I like to practice mindfulness or repeat my mantras, but today I decided I wanted to change things up a little bit.

So, I turned to my ‘quotebook’ (or my mini notebook where I keep my favourite quotes), and flipped to the inspiration & motivation section, because sometimes, reading a few small words can change my entire mindset for the day.

How I Use Quotes to Motivate Me

Actually, before I discovered mindfulness and mediation, I loved to inspire and enlighten myself by finding, and reading, quotes that I really connected with.

You know, I never used to realise how much quotes and sayings affected me for the better. I wasn't in touch with my mind - the old me never believed in mantras or mindfulness - but reading these I always motivated me and took me as close to a mind connection as I could be.

When I was working on exams for the first time, I never thought I was doing well enough.

Oh, and I was struggling with my weight. I would study mindlessly for hours on end, and in my free time, worry about whether I was exercising enough to change the way I looked in the mirror. I skipped fun events & family time, and I stopped working to maintaining the emotional connections with the people I loved.

How to Avoid ‘Negative’ Motivation

I was pushing myself without any real thought, and I was motivating myself by telling myself I'd never be good enough if I didn’t study hard enough. Really, the only time I was embracing any positive reinforcement was when I was scrolling Pinterest quote boards or flipping through my book.

Long story short I got over it (though I won’t bore you with the whole long story now), but I'll tell you I was healed mostly by working on my mind and self-care.

How To Find Positivity

I've never forgotten the benefits of finding inspiration and positivity through other’s words and experiences, which I why I used them to motivate me today!

This is why am sharing some of my favourite inspiring quotes in this post.

I’m not sure how in touch you are with your mind and inner self (or if you even believe in that ‘stuff’) but I do know that what connects us all is common experience, and what better way is there to share them than through quotes?

So, if you’re also in a motivational rut today (like me!) I think these words will enlighten and inspire you to push pass any negative thoughts and carry on.

I really hope you love these quotes just as much as me!

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You With Any Goal

1. “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”

- Rabindranath Tagore

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You - No Matter the Goal

2. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

-Winston Churchill

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You - No Matter the Goal

3. “Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.”


7 Quotes That Will Inspire You - No Matter the Goal

4. “Believe you can and you're halfway there.”

-Theodore Roosevelt

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You - No Matter the Goal

5. “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.”

-John Wayne

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You - No Matter the Goal

6. “I think most of us are raised with preconceived notions of the choices we're supposed to make.

We waste so much time making decisions based on someone else's idea of our happiness - what will make you a good citizen or a good wife or daughter or actress.

Nobody says, 'Just be happy - go be a cobbler or go live with goats.”

-Sandra Bullock

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You - No Matter the Goal

7. “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking.

Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

-Steve Jobs

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You - No Matter the Goal

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Is stress getting in the way of your positivity AND productivity? Well, check out my free downloadable guide to help you reduce stress and live your best life! Whether you are feeling only slightly stressed, or you are going through a major crisis in your life, this guide will help you kick stress to the curb and give you more control of your day!

I hope you feel a sense of calm, joy, and acceptance for the awesome day to come through reading these positive, inspiring and appreciative words.

Be thankful for what makes you happy and only be encouraged by setbacks to do better next time. Use appreciation to turn a negative into a positive.

If you feel like something’s holding you back, just find a way to step over it in a kind and happy way, always following your heart.

Tell me which of these quotes are your favorite, and share with me your personal favorite quote(s) in the comments below - I would love to here ‘em!

Have a positive and inspired day,

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