Isabelle McKenzie

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How to Start Working to Change Your Habits


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Our habits are usually the backbone behind whether or not we are able to successfully reach our health goals - especially when it comes to making healthier food choices after a long day! With habits being so deeply engrained in our daily lifestyle, it can be hard to believe we can change them; but with some small changes and a lot of work in personal reflection, it’s totally doable. Here’s our quickstart guide on embracing small mental health changes to help you overcome any negative food and lifestyle habits!

Personal Transformation is Possible

After years of doing the same things and getting stuck in the same cycle again and again, it’s really easy to feel like nothing will ever truly change. But it’s all about structure and getting clarity with goals to break them down into doable pieces. If you’ve just been going in from 0 to 60 when adding a new goal like eating less sugar or hitting the gym, you might be overwhelming yourself which is why it’s hard to get that new change to stick. A combination of physical, mental, and spiritual clarity through techniques through journaling, food based therapy and coaching, working on finding out your healthy nutrition needs (restriction is never the way to go) or even giving mind body performance coaching a try could help you plan your goals in a much more doable way. Trying grounding exercises like yoga and meditation can help you break the limitations of your self-doubt and overwhelm from years of being stuck in a cycle.

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Start with a Positive Self Reflection

Breaking through personal walls isn’t really possible without changing how you feel about yourself. Low self-esteem, poor self-image, and even relationship coping trauma are some of the main reasons we abuse ourselves with food, drugs, and other things that are bad for us. But believe in yourself - it can change! It all begins with a positive self-reflection. Remember your achievements, how you can use them, and what you have to offer. Try self love journalling or other self care techniques.

Your Habits Can be Gradually Changed

We can often become so sucked in by our own bad habits that we accept them as the status quo. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Take food and overeating as an example. We often think that we have to give everything up and go from overeating carbs and sugar to having none at all. But that’s not sustainable - the more we restrict ourselves the more we’re going to want what we can’t have. Start by making little changes - replacing one snack here, one soda there.

Don’t be Afraid of the Spiritual

Improved health through exercise, a better social life from self-image, and flourishing relationships through the dispelling of negative emotions are possible. But going down a new fork in the road is hard, and you will need help. Not just help from friends and family but help from deep within that only comes from the spiritual connectedness with your mind and body. Journalling about your commitment to yourself, doing self compassion meditations, and even going to therapy can help you better understand yourself and what you need for yourself in order to reach your goals.

Keeping Up Momentum

You can work so hard to find meaning in your life and change it for the better. Dieting the right way, giving up bad habits, and moving in new directions takes great energy and sacrifice. And all too often, those old habits can begin to creep back in. The key to staving these off is keeping up the momentum of your change. Stay focused, develop a plan, and always seek support when you need it. Don’t let anyone or anything get in the way of what you have worked hard to achieve.


Personal transformation is the key to shedding your habits to take a new direction in life. Changing these takes time and is gradual, and keeping up the momentum is critical. You’ve got this!

*contributed post


Let me know in the comments or on Instagram @itsisabellem using #SugarWithIsabelle!

That’s it from us, 👋


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